Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Color sensors (True Color)
SPECTRO-3 Series


With the SPECTRO-3 series there now is a family of color sensors that has been specifically designed for "true-color" detection ("human color reception") and high switching frequency.

The sensors can be operated both in AC and in DC mode, with integrated or external light source. With the included SPECTRO3-Scope software illumination can also be turned off with a simple mouse-click, which then also allows the color and brightness inspection of self-luminous objects such as LEDs, automobile tail lights, halogen lamps, or fluorescent lamps.
In the SPECTRO-3 series great importance was attached to a compact design and to the largest possible extent to a uniform appearance of the various types (M34 design or rectangular), which facilitates sensor installation. Up to 31 colors can be provided through the 5 digital outputs, the maximum switching frequency is typ. 35 kHz in case of the series SPECTRO-3 (M34 shape), SPECTRO-3-CL, SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG, and SPECTRO-3-JR.
With the new SPECTRO-3-SL, SPECTRO-3-ANA and SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANA color sensor types the product range was extended with extremely fast color sensor types that now make it possible to reach scan frequencies of up to 90 kHz. These color sensor can learn up to 3 colors (or 3 color groups with up to a total of max. 31 colors). Information is output by means of two digital outputs, or with the ANA types additionally by three analog outputs.
Apart from a super-bright white-light source, a high-performance UV light source also is available, which allows the color and brightness differentiation of fluorescent colors without any problems. Different frontends make it possible to implement operating distances of 0.2 mm through to 500 mm, with detection areas of Ø 0.5 mm to approx. Ø 100 mm. The use of an optical fibre version allows applications in Ex areas.

â–º Information on range of types
â–º Measuring principle SPECTRO-3, SPECTRO-3-CL, SPECTRO-3-JR
     with Windows® software SPECTRO3-Scope

â–º Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-ANA
     with Windows® software SPECTRO3-ANA-Scope

â–º Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANA
     with Windows® software SPECTRO3-MSM-ANA-Scope
â–º Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG
     with Windows® software SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope
â–º Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-SL
     with Windows® software SPECTRO3-SL-Scope

â–º Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-SLE
     with Windows® software SPECTRO3-SLE-Scope

â–º Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-SLA
     with Windows® software SPECTRO3-SLA-Scope

â–º Convenient and quick parameterization
     with Windows® software SPECTRO3-COMFORT-Scope

Information on range of types

–COF (confocal transmitter and receiver optics)
High-speed color detection of small objects
The confocal sensors of the SPECTRO-3-COF series project a white-light spot with a diameter of approx. 1 mm to 8 mm or with dimensions of 4 mm x 0.7 mm onto the object to be detected. The transmitter optics unit is located at the center of the receiver optics unit, which results in a highly compact design. This allows a high-precision and high-speed detection of small objects such as e.g. color markings or wires at a great distance.

–DIF (diffuse light with volume diffusor)
Reduction of gloss effect due to diffuse illumination
This type of sensor was designed especially for color control tasks where it is necessary to suppress the direct reflection. With the DIF color sensor types, a volume scattering lens which works as a diffusor is used in order to achieve an optimal diffusing effect. Only the diffuse reflected light can pass the receiver, thus, the gloss of the surface of the wire does not influence the result.

–DIL (diffuse light with surface diffusor)
Color inspection of structured and inhomogeneous surfaces

With many objects requiring color inspection an inhomogeneous surface causes problems in color determination. A structured surface, for example, leads to gloss rate fluctuations that cause difficulties for conventional color sensors because depending on the gloss rate the color is sometimes detected more intensively and sometimes less intensively.
The actual color is brightened or "softened" by direct reflection that depends on the respective gloss rate of the surface. With the color sensors of the SPECTRO-3-DIL series diffuse illumination considerably reduces this gloss effect. Furthermore, the large detection range (approx. 10 mm to 30 mm) allows an optical integration of structural fluctuations, and the color is thus reliably detected with great stability. The true-color color detector ("human color perception") and the evaluation software ("human color assessment") furthermore guarantee that even smallest color differences of objects are reliably detected. 

–FCL (directed light with clear glass disk)
Reliable high-speed color detection at a large distance
The SPECTRO-3-FCL series allows the color differentiation of objects at a large distance. Depending on the version and on the object, a distance of up to 500 mm can be realised. Among others the FCL series features super-bright white-light LEDs and a so-called true-color chip that perceives colors like the human eye. Up to 31 colors can be taught, and during operation the sensor determines the color reference that comes closest to the current color of the object (human color interpretation).
The sensors of this series ideally can be employed for distinguishing between glossy and non-glossy objects of the same color (e.g. objects without and with transparent foil).

 –POL (polarised light with polarisation filters)
Color inspection of glossy objects
In practice, the reliable detection of the color of glossy objects usually is extremely difficult because the actual color information is mixed with direct reflection resulting from the gloss effect. Rich colors thus are turned into "soft" colors. The polarisation filters that are integrated in the SPECTRO-3-POL color sensor prevent such direct reflexion, the actual color thus can be clearly recognized and reliably detected.
Reflecting surfaces such as e.g. the high-gloss paints on automotive components can thus be clearly recognized.

–UV (with UV-LEDs)
Quick color detection of fluorescent objects

With the luminescence color sensors of the SPECTRO-3-UV series there now are sensors that apart from brightness differentiation (grey scale evaluation) also can perform color differentiation. The fluorescent objects can either be taught via the Windows® PC software SPECTRO-3-Scope or via the push button that is integrated in the sensor or via the digital input IN0. The 35 kHz scanning frequency and the 60 kHz switching frequency also guarantee a reliable detection and recognition of fast-moving fluorescent markings.

–FIO (for use with fiber optics and optical frontend of the FIO series)
Color control even at difficult tasks through flexible integration
The FIO series is the color sensor series with the most flexible application possibilities. In addition to more than 50 different sensor head variants each for transmitted-light and reflected-light operation there also are nearly 70 optical frontends available. With the help of an external light source the dynamic range can be considerably increased. Due to the use of optical fibers this series also is well suited for use in Ex areas.

• Color measurement of self-luminous objects with the SPECTRO-3-FIO.
In combination with a reflected-light optical fibre and a neutral-absorber attachment unit the SPECTRO-3-FIO makes it possible to perform color inspection of different self-luminous objects.

• Fluorescent color mark detection with the SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV
In combination with the super-bright UV light source SPECTRO-3-ELS-UV the SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV evaluation unit performs high-speed detection of fluorescent color marks. The sensor not only detects the brightness of the fluorescent mark, but also its color.

Like the –POL types these types also offer massive gloss suppression, but direct reflection towards the receiver here is prevented by the fact that the LEDs that are arranged in ring form emit light at an angle of 45° from the vertical, whereas the receiver is directed onto the surface to be inspected at 0° from the vertical. In the color inspection or color measurement of flat objects that are arranged vertically to the optical axis of the receiver direct reflection towards the receiver is prevented. The –45°/0° types primarily are used for the inspection of high-gloss paints and metallic paints (car paint, furniture lacquer, etc.), because –POL types rather are not suited for the inspection of metallic paint. Transparent film also can be inspected when a white tile is used that is positioned at the opposite side of the film.

In the –SLU types the light unit is contained in a separate housing, which allows through-beam measurements and V-shaped arrangements (direct reflection). Both diffuse light sources and directed light sources are available.  These types for example are ideal for measuring the color of flat glass in transmission or the coating of float glass in reflected-light mode.
SA and BA
The –SLU receivers are available in a version with small aperture (–SA) and a version with a collecting lens positioned in front of the color detector (–BA). In case of rather weak signals the –BA type should be preferred. If, however, for example with direct reflection  in V-shaped arrangement only a small angle range should be considered, the –SA type should be used.
The –MSM-ANA types form the series of measuring SPECTRO-3 color sensor with three analog outputs (for X,Y,Z and color space values) and two digital outputs (for teaching of max. three color space triples, using dE as tolerance value or dL* and da*b* as tolerance values. These types allow L*a*b* , L*u*v* , L*u'v' , x,y,Y , X,Y,Z and L*C*h* color measurement.

The –MSM-DIG types form the series of measuring SPECTRO-3 color sensor with five digital outputs (for teaching of max. 31 color space triples, using dE as tolerance value or dL* and da*b* as tolerance values. These types allow L*a*b* , L*u*v* , L*u'v' , x,y,Y , X,Y,Z and L*C*h* color measurement.
The –FIO-XL types work with fibre optics of a large fibre optic cross-section (5mm, 6mm and 8mm diameter), which means that systems with a fibre optics length of up to 15m can be realised.
In addition to the SPECTRO-3 sensors with digital outputs there also is a series with analog outputs. The three available analog outputs (0V … +10V) can be used to output both the color raw values R,G,B and the s,i,M, x,y,INT, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, X,Y,Z, x,y,Y and L*C*h* color values.

Measuring principle SPECTRO-3, SPECTRO-3-CL, SPECTRO-3-JR
with SPECTRO3-Scope (Windows® PC software)

The SPECTRO-3 provides highly flexible signal acquisition. For example, the sensor can be operated in alternating-light mode (AC mode), which makes the sensor insensitive to extraneous light. It also can be set to constant-light mode (DC mode), which makes the sensor extremely fast and allows a scan-frequency of up to 35 kHz. An OFF function turns off the integrated light source at the sensor and changes to DC operation. The sensor then can detect so-called "self-luminous objects". In PULSE operation extremely dark surfaces can be reliably detected. With the stepless adjustment of the integrated light source as well as the selectable gain of the receiver signal and an INTEGRAL function the sensor can be set to almost any surface or any "self-luminous object".

When the integrated light source of the SPECTRO-3 color sensor is activated, the sensor detects the radiation that is diffusely reflected from the object. As a light source the SPECTRO-3 color sensor uses a white-light LED with adjustable transmitter power. An integrated 3-fold receiver for the red, green, and blue content of the light that is reflected from the object, or the light that is emitted by a "self-luminous object", is used as a receiver.

The SPECTRO-3 color sensor can be "taught" up to 31 colors. For each of these taught colors it is possible to set tolerances. In "X Y INT - 2D" or "s i M - 2D" mode these tolerances form a color cylinder in space. In "X Y INT - 3D" or "s i M - 3D" mode the tolerances form a color sphere in space. Color evaluation according to "s i M - 2D" is based on the lab calculation method. All modes can be used in combination with several operating modes such as "FIRST HIT" and "BEST HIT". Raw data are represented with 12 bit resolution.

As a special feature the sensor can be taught two completely independent parameter sets. Input IN0 can then be used to tell the sensor which parameter set it should work with.
Color detection either operates continuously or is started through an external PLC trigger signal. The respective detected color either is provided as a binary code at the 5 digital outputs or can be sent directly to the outputs, if only up to 5 colors are to be detected. At the same time the detected color code is visualised by means of 5 LEDs at the housing of the SPECTRO-3. [Please note: Visualization by means of LEDs not available with SPECTRO-3-…-JR types.]

With a TEACH button at the sensor housing the color sensor can be taught up to 31 colors. For this purpose the corresponding evaluation mode must be set with the software. The TEACH button is connected in parallel to the input IN0 (green wire at cable cab-las8/SPS). [Please note: TEACH button not available with SPECTRO-3-…-JR types.]

Parameters and measurement values can be exchanged between a PC and the SPECTRO-3color sensor through the serial RS232 interface. All the parameters for color detection also can be saved to the non-volatile EEPROM of the SPECTRO-3 color sensor through this serial RS232 interface. When parameterisation is finished, the color sensor continues to operate with the current parameters in STAND-ALONE mode without a PC.

The sensors of the SPECTRO-3 series can be calibrated (white-light balancing). Balancing can be performed to any white surface. A ColorChecker(TM) table with 24 color fields is available as an alternative. White-light balancing or calibration can be performed to one of the white fields.

As a light source the SPECTRO-3-…-UV color sensor uses a UV-LED (375 nm, or 365 nm in case of using an external UV illumination unit SPECTRO-ELS-UV) with adjustable transmitter power to excite the luminescent marking. These UV-sensors can be optimally adjusted to almost any luminescent colorant that can be excited in the long-wave UV range (365 nm or 375 nm). The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-…-UV series also can be calibrated. Analogous to white-light balancing with color sensors, balancing of the SPECTRO-3-…-UV could be performed to any luminescent color marking.

Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-ANA
with SPECTRO3-ANA-Scope (Windows® PC software)

The SPECTRO-3-ANA provides highly flexible signal acquisition. For example, the sensor can be operated in alternating-light mode (AC mode), which makes the sensor insensitive to extraneous light. It also can be set to constant-light mode (DC mode), which makes the sensor extremely fast. An OFF function turns off the integrated light source at the sensor and changes to DC operation. The sensor then can detect so-called "self-luminous objects". With the stepless adjustment of the integrated light source as well as the selectable gain of the receiver signal and an INTEGRAL function the sensor can be set to almost any surface or any "self-luminous object".
When the integrated light source of the SPECTRO-3-ANA color sensor is activated, the sensor detects the radiation that is diffusely reflected from the object. As a light source the SPECTRO-3 color sensor uses a white-light LED with adjustable transmitter power. An integrated 3-fold receiver for the red, green, and blue content of the light that is reflected from the object, or the light that is emitted by a "self-luminous object", is used as a receiver.

The SPECTRO-3-ANA color sensor can be "taught" up to 3 colors. For each of these taught colors it is possible to set tolerances. In "X Y INT - 2D" or "s i M - 2D" mode these tolerances form a color cylinder in space. In "X Y INT - 3D" or "s i M - 3D" mode the tolerances form a color sphere in space. Color evaluation according to "s i M - 2D" is based on the lab calculation method. All modes can be used in combination with several operating modes such as "FIRST HIT" and "BEST HIT". Raw data are represented with 12 bit resolution.

As a special feature the sensor can be taught two completely independent parameter sets. Input IN0 can then be used to tell the sensor which parameter set it should work with.
Color detection either operates continuously or is started through an external PLC trigger signal. The respective detected color either is provided as a binary code at the 2 digital outputs or can be sent directly to the outputs, if only up to 2 colors are to be detected.  In addition to the 2 digital outputs there also are 3 analog outputs that either provide the red, green, and blue components or the calculated color coordinates (X, Y, INT or s, i, M) in values of 0-10V.
Through input IN0 (green wire of the cab-las8/SPS cable) the color sensor can be taught up to 3 colors (31 in group mode). For this purpose the corresponding evaluation mode must be set with the software.

Parameters and measurement values can be exchanged between a PC and the SPECTRO-3color sensor through the serial RS232 interface. All the parameters for color detection also can be saved to the non-volatile EEPROM of the SPECTRO-3-ANA color sensor through this serial RS232 interface. When parameterisation is finished, the color sensor continues to operate with the current parameters in STAND-ALONE mode without a PC.

The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-ANA series can be calibrated (white-light balancing). Balancing can be performed to any white surface. A ColorChecker(TM) table with 24 color fields is available as an alternative. White-light balancing or calibration can be performed to one of the white fields.
As a light source the SPECTRO-3-UV-ANA color sensor uses a UV-LED (375 nm) with adjustable transmitter power to excite the luminescent marking. These UV-sensors can be optimally adjusted to almost any luminescent colorant that can be excited in the long-wave UV range. The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-UV-ANA series also can be calibrated. Analogous to white-light balancing with color sensors, balancing of the SPECTRO-3-UV-ANA could be performed to any luminescent color marking.

Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANA
with SPECTRO3-MSM-ANA-Scope (Windows® PC software)

The SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANA provides highly flexible signal acquisition. For example, the sensor can be operated in alternating-light mode (AC mode), which makes the sensor insensitive to extraneous light. It also can be set to constant-light mode (DC mode), which makes the sensor extremely fast. An OFF function turns off the integrated light source at the sensor and changes to DC operation. The sensor then can detect so-called "self-luminous objects". With the stepless adjustment of the integrated light source as well as the selectable gain of the receiver signal and an INTEGRAL function the sensor can be set to almost any surface or any "self-luminous object".

When the integrated light source of the SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANA color sensor is activated, the sensor detects the radiation that is diffusely reflected from the object. As a light source the SPECTRO-3 color sensor uses a white-light LED with adjustable transmitter power. An integrated 3-fold receiver for the red, green, and blue content of the light that is reflected from the object, or the light that is emitted by a "self-luminous object", is used as a receiver.

The SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANA color sensor can be "taught" up to 3 colors. For each of these taught colors it is possible to set tolerances. Evaluation of the taught colors ist performed either with the "FIRST HIT" or with the "BEST  HIT" mode. With "FIRST HIT" the first hit in the teach table is output, and with "BEST  HIT" the best hit in the teach table is output. Raw data are represented with 12 bit resolution.

As a special feature the sensor can be taught two completely independent parameter sets. Input IN0 can then be used to tell the sensor which parameter set it should work with.
Color detection either operates continuously or is started through an external PLC trigger signal. The respective detected color either is provided as a binary code at the 2 digital outputs or can be sent directly to the outputs, if only up to 2 colors are to be detected. In addition to the 2 digital outputs there also are 3 analog outputs that either provide the red, green, and blue components or the calculated color coordinates (X, Y, INT or s, i, M) in values of 0-10V.
Through input IN0 (green wire of the cab-las8/SPS cable) the color sensor can be taught up to 3 colors (31 in group mode). For this purpose the corresponding evaluation mode must be set with the software.
Parameters and measurement values can be exchanged between a PC and the SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANAcolor sensor through the serial RS232 interface. All the parameters for color detection also can be saved to the non-volatile EEPROM of the SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANA color sensor through this serial RS232 interface. When parameterisation is finished, the color sensor continues to operate with the current parameters in STAND-ALONE mode without a PC.

The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-MSM-ANA series can be calibrated (white-light balancing). Balancing can be performed to any white surface. A ColorChecker(TM) table with 24 color fields is available as an alternative. White-light balancing or calibration can be performed to one of the white fields.

Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG
with SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG-Scope (Windows® PC software)

The SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG provides highly flexible signal acquisition. For example, the sensor can be operated in alternating-light mode (AC mode), which makes the sensor insensitive to extraneous light. It also can be set to constant-light mode (DC mode), which makes the sensor extremely fast. With the stepless adjustment of the integrated light source as well as the selectable gain of the receiver signal and an INTEGRAL function the sensor can be set to almost any surface or any "self-luminous object".
When the integrated light source of the SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG color sensor is activated, the sensor detects the radiation that is diffusely reflected from the object. As a light source the SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG color sensor uses warm-white LEDs as well as blue LEDs (in case of color sensor type -VISUV additional UV LEDs) with adjustable transmitter power. An integrated 3-fold receiver for the red, green, and blue content of the light that is reflected from the object, or the light that is emitted by a "self-luminous object", is used as a receiver.
The color sensors of the SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG series can be taught up to 31 colors that are provided directly at the outputs, and up to 64 colors that are output by means of grouping. For each of these taught colors it is possible to set tolerances. Evaluation of the taught colors is performed either with the "FIRST HIT" or with the "BEST HIT" mode. With "FIRST HIT" the first hit in the teach table is output, and with "BEST HIT" the best hit in the teach table is output. Raw data are represented with 12 bit resolution.
Color detection either operates continuously or is started through an external PLC trigger signal. The respective detected color either is provided as a binary code at the 5 digital outputs or can be sent directly to the outputs, if only up to 5 colors are to be detected. At the same time the detected color code is visualised by means of 5 LEDs at the housing of the SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG. [Please note: Visualisation by means of LEDs not available with SPECTRO-3-JR-MSM-DIG and SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG-VIS or -VISUV types.]
With a TEACH button at the sensor housing the color sensor can be taught up to 31 colors (max. 64 colors in group mode). For this purpose the corresponding evaluation mode must be set with the software. The TEACH button is connected in parallel to the input IN0 (green wire at cable cab-las8/SPS). [Please note: TEACH button not available with SPECTRO-3-JR-MSM-DIG and SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG-VIS or -VISUV types.]
Parameters and measurement values can be exchanged between a PC and the SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIGcolor sensor through the serial RS232 interface. All the parameters for color detection also can be saved to the non-volatile EEPROM of the SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG color sensor through this serial RS232 interface. When parameterisation is finished, the color sensor continues to operate with the current parameters in STAND-ALONE mode without a PC.
Possible firmware updates can be easily performed through the RS232 interface, even with the sensor system in installed condition. (à cf. Annex „Firmware update via software Firmware Loader“).
The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-MSM-DIG series can be calibrated. Calibration can be performed to any surface with known color coordinates. A ColorCheckerTM table is available as an alternative. This table has 24 color fields according to the CIE STANDARD that can be used for calibration.

Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-SL
with SPECTRO3-SL-Scope (Windows® PC software)

The SPECTRO-3-SL provides highly flexible signal acquisition. For example, the sensor can be operated in alternating-light mode (AC mode), which makes the sensor insensitive to extraneous light. It also can be set to constant-light mode (DC mode), which makes the sensor extremely fast. An OFF function turns off the integrated light source at the sensor and changes to DC operation. The sensor then can detect so-called "self-luminous objects". With the stepless adjustment of the integrated light source as well as the selectable gain of the receiver signal and an INTEGRAL function the sensor can be set to almost any surface or any "self-luminous object".
When the integrated light source of the SPECTRO-3-SL color sensor is activated, the sensor detects the radiation that is diffusely reflected from the object. As a light source the SPECTRO-3 color sensor uses a white-light LED with adjustable transmitter power. An integrated 3-fold receiver for the red, green, and blue content of the light that is reflected from the object, or the light that is emitted by a "self-luminous object", is used as a receiver.

The SPECTRO-3-SL color sensor can be "taught" up to 3 colors. For each of these taught colors it is possible to set tolerances. In "X Y INT - 2D" or "s i M - 2D" mode these tolerances form a color cylinder in space. In "X Y INT - 3D" or "s i M - 3D" mode the tolerances form a color sphere in space. Color evaluation according to "s i M - 2D" is based on the lab calculation method. All modes can be used in combination with several operating modes such as "FIRST HIT" and "BEST HIT". Raw data are represented with 12 bit resolution.

As a special feature the sensor can be taught two completely independent parameter sets. Input IN0 (push button at the sensor housing) can then be used to tell the sensor which parameter set it should work with.
Color detection either operates continuously or is started through an external PLC trigger signal. The respective detected color either is provided as a binary code at the 2 digital outputs or can be sent directly to the outputs, if only up to 2 colors are to be detected.
Through input IN0 (push button at the sensor housing) the color sensor can be taught up to 3 colors (31 in group mode). For this purpose the corresponding evaluation mode must be set with the software.
Parameters and measurement values can be exchanged between a PC and the SPECTRO-3color sensor through the serial RS232 interface. All the parameters for color detection also can be saved to the non-volatile EEPROM of the SPECTRO-3-SL color sensor through this serial RS232 interface. When parameterisation is finished, the color sensor continues to operate with the current parameters in STAND-ALONE mode without a PC.

The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-SL series can be calibrated (white-light balancing). Balancing can be performed to any white surface. A ColorChecker(TM) table with 24 color fields is available as an alternative. White-light balancing or calibration can be performed to one of the white, grey, or black fields.

Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-SLE
with SPECTRO3-SLE-Scope (Windows® PC software)

The SPECTRO-3-…-SLE color sensor provides highly flexible signal acquisition. For example, the sensor can be operated in alternating-light mode (AC mode), which makes the sensor insensitive to extraneous light. It also can be set to constant-light mode (DC mode), which makes the sensor extremely fast. An OFF function turns off the integrated light source at the sensor and changes to DC operation. The sensor then can detect so-called "self-luminous objects". With the stepless adjustment of the integrated light source as well as the selectable gain of the receiver signal and an INTEGRAL function the sensor can be set to almost any surface or any "self-luminous object".

When the integrated light source of the SPECTRO-3-…-SLE color sensor is activated, the sensor detects the radiation that is diffusely reflected from the object. As a light source the SPECTRO-3-…-SLE color sensor uses a white-light LED with adjustable transmitter power. An integrated 3-fold receiver for the red, green, and blue content of the light that is reflected from the object, or the light that is emitted by a "self-luminous object", is used as a receiver.

As a light source the SPECTRO-3-UV-SLE or SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV-SLE color sensor uses a UV-LED (375 nm) with adjustable transmitter power to excite the luminescent marking. An integrated 3-fold receiver for the red, green, and blue content of the visible light that is emitted by the luminescent marking is used as a receiver. A special feature here is that the gain of the receiver can be set in 8 steps. This makes it possible to optimally adjust the sensor to almost any luminescent colorant that can be excited in the long-wave UV range.

The SPECTRO-3-…-SLE color sensor can be "taught" up to 31 colors, which are output directly via the outputs, and up to 64 colors which are output via color groups. For each of these taught colors it is possible to set tolerances. In "X Y INT - 2D" or "s i M - 2D" mode these tolerances form a color cylinder in space. In "X Y INT - 3D" or "s i M - 3D" mode the tolerances form a color sphere in space. Color evaluation according to "s i M - 2D" is based on the lab calculation method. All modes can be used in combination with several operating modes such as "FIRST HIT" and "BEST HIT". Raw data are represented with 12 bit resolution.

As a special feature the sensor can be taught two completely independent parameter sets. Input IN0 can be used to tell the sensor which parameter set it should work with.

Color detection either operates continuously or is started through an external PLC trigger signal. The respective detected color either is provided as a binary code at the 5 digital outputs or can be sent directly to the outputs, if only up to 5 colors are to be detected.

Through input IN0 the color sensor can be taught up to 31 colors (64 colors in group mode). For this purpose the corresponding evaluation mode must be set with the software.

Parameters and measurement values can be exchanged between a PC and the SPECTRO-3-…-SLE color sensor through the serial RS232 interface. All the parameters for color detection also can be saved to the non-volatile EEPROM of the SPECTRO-3-…-SLE color sensor through this serial RS232 interface. When parameterisation is finished, the color sensor continues to operate with the current parameters in STAND-ALONE mode without a PC.

The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-…-SLE series can be calibrated (white-light balancing). Balancing can be performed to any white surface. A ColorCheckerTM table with 24 color fields is available as an alternative. White-light balancing or calibration can be performed to one of the white, grey, or black fields.
The UV color sensors SPECTRO-3-UV-SLE and SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV-SLE also can be calibrated. Analogous to white-light balancing with color sensors, balancing of the SPECTRO-3-UV-SLE or SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV-SLE could be performed to any luminescent color marking.

Measuring principle SPECTRO-3-SLA
with SPECTRO3-SLA-Scope (Windows® PC software)

The SPECTRO-3-...-SLA provides highly flexible signal acquisition. For example, the sensor can be operated in alternating-light mode (AC mode), which makes the sensor insensitive to extraneous light. It also can be set to constant-light mode (DC mode), which makes the sensor extremely fast. An OFF function turns off the integrated light source at the sensor and changes to DC operation. The sensor then can detect so-called "self-luminous objects". With the stepless adjustment of the integrated light source as well as the selectable gain of the receiver signal and an INTEGRAL function the sensor can be set to almost any surface or any "self-luminous object".

When the integrated light source of the SPECTRO-3-...-SLA color sensor is activated, the sensor detects the radiation that is diffusely reflected from the object. As a light source the SPECTRO-3 color sensor uses a white-light LED with adjustable transmitter power. An integrated 3-fold receiver for the red, green, and blue content of the light that is reflected from the object, or the light that is emitted by a "self-luminous object", is used as a receiver.

The sensor is equipped with 3 analog outputs that either provide the red, green, blue components or the calculated color coordinates (X, Y, INT or s, i, M) from 0…+10V or 4…20mA.

Parameters and measurement values can be exchanged between a PC and the SPECTRO-3-...-SLA color sensor through the serial RS232 interface. All the parameters for color detection also can be saved to the non-volatile EEPROM of the SPECTRO-3-...-SLA color sensor through this serial RS232 interface. When parameterisation is finished, the color sensor continues to operate with the current parameters in STAND-ALONE mode without a PC.

The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-...-SLA series can be calibrated (white-light balancing). Balancing can be performed to any white surface. A ColorCheckerTM table with 24 color fields is available as an alternative. White-light balancing or calibration can be performed to one of the white fields.

As a light source the SPECTRO-3-UV-SLA (or SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV-SLA) color sensor uses a UV-LED (375 nm) with adjustable transmitter power to excite the luminescent marking. These UV-sensors can be optimally adjusted to almost any luminescent colorant that can be excited in the long-wave UV range (365 nm or 375 nm). The sensors of the SPECTRO-3-…-UV-SLA series also can be calibrated. Analogous to white-light balancing with color sensors, balancing of the SPECTRO-3-UV-SLA (or SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV-SLA) could be performed to any luminescent color marking.

Convenient and quick parameterization
with SPECTRO3-COMFORT-Scope (Windows® PC software)

Color sensors of the following types can be quickly parameterised with the SPECTRO3-COMFORT-SCOPE software:

SPECTRO-3 in M34 housing

The software features menu guidance that prompts the user to enter all the relevant parameters.


Participation at trade fairs:

 •   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Press releases:

in search of the hidden
(Marker-based sorting with TAGTEC technology)

Differentiation of recyclate types using NIR during the recycling process
(Plastic type differentiation of recyclates using NIR)

Clarity in Darkness - detect in Carbon Black
(Differentiation of Carbon Black recyclate material using MIR)

Color measurement of recyclates in the recycling process
(Color differentiation of recyclates)



  Sensor systems for the plastics recycling industry
Color measurement of recyclates



Specialists article:

  Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics
Plastics Insights 3/2024




Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology



Detection of dents and bumps on metal punching strips
(N° 801)
Differentiation of leather, fabric and synthetic interior components
(N° 802)
Plastic cap color measurement
(N° 803)


... surface tension?
... oil evaporation?
... oil layer thickness


Software news:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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