Daten- blatt:
APP N° 792
Frontside-backside differentiation of coated aluminum foils
The coated front side of aluminum foils should be differentiated from the backside.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 791
Presence control of a flask inside a medicine pack
The presence of a flask inside a medicine pack should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 783
Edge detection on paper bags and corrugated boards
The edges on scaled transported and folded paper bags as well as corrugated boards should be detected and counted.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 773
Presence control of transparent labels on plastic caps
The presence of transparent labels on plastic caps should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 771
Color control of wooden sticks
The color of wooden sticks should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 738
Detection of glue lines on cigarettes
The glue line on cigarettes should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 737
Welding line detection of tin cans
The welding line on tin cans should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 728
Detection of a welding line on a tin can
A welding line should be detected on a printed tin can.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 717
Counting folds on aluminum tubes
Folds on aluminum tubes should be counted. It must be considered that the distance between the folds is not constant.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 716
Counting of transparent plastic lids
Transparent plastic lids should be counted.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 715
Counting of semitransparent plastic cups
Semitransparent plastic cups should be counted.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 713
Counting of transparent plastic boxes
Close lined up transparent plastic boxes should be counted.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 712
Counting of paper bags
Paper bags transported on a conveyor belt should be counted. It should be noted that there is a double edge on each bag. Furthermore, the transport height is changing, dependent of the degree of overlap of the respective bag.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 710
Counting of stacked plastic lids
Stacked plastic lids should be counted.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 702
Color mark detection on paper bags
Color marks on paper bags should be detected. Here, it should be taken into account, that black color marks on a white background and white color marks on a black background should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 692
Tear-off strip presence control on cigarette-boxes
The presence of tear-off strips should be controlled on cigarette boxes.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 691
Color mark detection on metal foil
Different color-marks should be detected on different colored metal foils.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 690
Detection of a gap in a glue film on an aluminum foil
A gap in the glue film should be detected on an aluminum foil. At this, gaps with the dimensions starting from 5mm x 1mm should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 688
Splice inspection of cigarette filters
The splices of cigarettes should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 687
Presence control of transparent labels
The presence of transparent labels should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 685
Glue thickness control on plastic tapes
The thickness of a glue layer on plastic tapes should be controlled.
APP N° 674
Counting of metal lids
Metal lids should be counted in a stack.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 672
Presence control of a fluorescent semitransparent cover on a white plastic box
The presence of a fluorescent semitransparent cover should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 670
Glue line detection on cigarette filter paper
A glue line should be detected on cigarette filter paper. It should be noted, that the solvent used for the glue is water based.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 669
Color differentiation of capsules inside cigarette filters
Different colored capsules inside cigarette filters should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 662
Ultra-low spray jet control
The presence as well as the density of an ultra-low spray jet should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 657
Color differentiation of balls in transparent plastic film tubes
Semitransparent colored balls, located in the transparent plastic tube sections of filter rods should be color differentiated.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 656
Color controls of balls in transparent plastic tubes
Semitransparent but colored balls located in transparent plastic film sections of a filter tube should be color controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 646
Color mark detection on aluminum foil
Black shiny color marks on a black matt aluminum foil and dark orange marks on an orange background should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 645
Detection of a color mark on an aluminum foil
Color marks on an aluminum foil should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 628
Backside - front side differentiation from slightly fluorescent glue-coated filter paper
The slightly fluorescent front side glue-coated paper should be controlled, whether the backside or the front side is on top.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 625
Slit detection in metalized plastic card
A slit in a metalized plastic card should be detected.
APP N° 594
Presence control of transparent plastic label on cigarette box
The presence of a transparent plastic label on a cigarette box should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 574
Tape detection on plastic films
A tape, which is used to joint plastic films, should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 572
Adhesive surface detection on cigarette boxes
The presence of adhesive joints should be detected on cigarette boxes.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 571
Cigarette filter differentiation
Cigarette filter segments should be differentiated.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 570
Gap detection of cigarette filters
The gaps between the cigarette filter components should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 562
Detection of a glue line on paper or fabric
The presence of a glue line on paper or fabric should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 558
Glue line gap detection on transparent label
On a transparent label a gap in a glue line should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 462
折叠纸袋的计数 应对要用输送带输送的折叠纸袋进行计数。
Folded paper cone counting
Folded paper cones transported on a conveyor belt should be counted.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 436
测定香烟过滤嘴的位置 应精确测定香烟过滤嘴的位置,哪怕香烟过滤嘴的走速高达每秒若干米。
Cigarette filter position detection
The position of the filter segments, which are made for cigarettes, should be precisely detected, even at a high speed of a few m/s.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 433
区分塑料封盖的颜色 应按照颜色来区分塑料盖,如饮料瓶盖。在此应考虑到它们非常光亮。
Color differentiation of plastic caps
Plastic caps for drinking bottles should be color differentiated. It has to be taken into account, that the closures are very glossy.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 421
识别塑料袋上的荧光粘胶层 应能在一个塑料袋上识别会在紫外线下发出荧光的粘胶层。在此应注意,粘胶层是被一个透明的塑料带覆盖住的。
Fluorescent glue strip detection on a plastic bag
A glue strip, which becomes fluorescent in the presence of UV light, should be detected on a plastic bag. At this, the glue strip is covered with a transparent plastic film.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 420
识别塑料袋上的粘胶层 应在塑料袋上识别粘胶层。在此,粘胶层会在材料的背面令塑料膜在一定程度上起皱。因粘胶面是用金属化的高亮膜覆盖的,故须在背面进行检查。
Glue strip detection on plastic envelopes
A glue strip should be detected on a plastic envelope. At this, the glue strip causes a corrugated pattern at the opposite side of the plastic material. Due to the fact, that the glue strip is covered with a metal coated high reflective plastic film, the only chance to detect it is from the opposite side.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 392
检测纸箱上塑料膜的所在位置 应监测出一个装箱上的塑料膜的位置。该薄膜应在此覆盖住纸箱的上边缘共10毫米。
Plastic film position control on cartons
The correct position of a plastic film on a carton should be monitored. At this, the plastic film should cover the upper end of the carton around 10mm.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 369
识别塑料薄膜的颜色标记 应能在一块背景颜色不断变换的高亮塑料薄膜上可靠且精确地检测出一个同样高亮的黑色标记。
Color mark detection on plastic film
A black color mark should be detected on a shiny plastic film. At this, it has to be taken into account that different background colors can occur.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 367
检查塑料螺旋盖中是否存在橡胶塞 应监测塑料件中是否有橡胶密封件。
Presence control of a seal in plastic components
The presence of a seal in a plastic part should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 342
检查是否有塑料镀膜 应检查信封上是否存在一条半透明的塑料薄膜。这里应注意,虽然基材上的胶粘膜在紫外线下会发出淡淡的荧光,但其上的哑光塑料膜则会吸收紫外线,从而可降低粘胶层的荧光强度。
Plastic film presence control
The presence of a plastic film on an envelope should be controlled. It has to be taken into account that the glue stripe of the envelope is slightly fluorescent in the presence of UV light, whereas the matt plastic film (which covers the glue stripe) absorbs the UV light a bit.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 330
识别透明基材上的透明荧光标签 应能在一条透明塑料带上识别出一个透明的塑料标签。该标签在紫外线下会发荧光。
Detection of a transparent fluorescent label on transparent plastic film
A transparent plastic label should be detected on a transparent plastic film. It should be taken into account, that the label is fluorescent in using UV-light.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 321
识别包装纸上的胶粘道 应监测是否存在胶粘道。监测时应注意胶粘道在紫外线下是否发出荧光。
Glue line detection on packaging paper
A glue line should be detected on packaging paper. At this, the glue is fluorescent if UV light is used.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 317
识别车票上的荧光条 应能检测在紫外线下发荧光的条纹。
Fluorescent color stripe detection on tickets
A fluorescent color stripe on a ticket should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 312
检测不同的有色塑料瓶上的不同颜色标记 应识别不同款式塑料瓶上的颜色标记。
Detection of different color marks on different plastic tubes
Different color marks should be detected on different plastic tubes.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 308
检查透明塑料袋中是否有医用胶布 应监视是否存在在紫外线下会发荧光的医用胶布。
Presence control of plaster in a transparent plastic bag
The presence of plaster in a transparent plastic bag should be controlled. At this, a part of the plaster is fluorescent if UV light is used.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 301
1. 在硅胶管的正面识别棱边 在旋转过程中,应识别以提升表面高度的形式而做出的标记。为此采用边缘探测器以精确的角度来记录软管的位置。
Detection of an edge on the front side of a silicon tube
An edge on a silicon tube should be detected. At this, the silicon tube is turning around its own axis while the laser spot of the laser edge detector is directed onto the front side.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 294
测量包覆有发光铝箔的靠垫的厚度 应测量包覆有发光铝箔的靠垫的厚度。此靠垫用于隔热 (热绝缘)。在此,铝靠垫被传送带传送,该传送带的高度稳定,因此可用作间隔基准。
Thickness control of shiny aluminum cushions
The thickness of different shiny aluminum cushions should be measured. These aluminum cushions are used for heat insulation. At this, the cushions will be transported on a conveyor belt with a very small fluctuation in height, thus the distance to the belt can be used as a reference.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 287
识别用铝涂覆的塑料薄膜上的颜色标记 应在用铝涂覆的塑料薄膜上识别出黑色的颜色标记。为对塑料薄膜进行精准定位,应使用一个模拟信号和一个数字信号。
Color mark detection on aluminum coated plastic film
Color marks should be detected on aluminum coated plastic foil. An analog as well as a digital signal is required at the sensor output.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 280
确定塑料管正面的棱边位置 在塑料管旋转期间应识别出软管正面的棱边。
Detection of an edge on a plastic tube
During the rotation of a plastic tube, an edge on the upper side of the tube should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 252
检测白色塑料带的分离点 应借助在反射光下工作的传感器来识别白色塑料带上的分界线。
Cutoff point detection of white nonmetallic strapping
The cutoff point of white nonmetallic strapping should be detected in a reflective way.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 241
塑料胶片上的色标检测 用于检测图示胶片中的一个黑色色标,传感器检测此色标时必须将此黑色色标同其他透明背景及有色背景区分开来。
Color mark detection on plastic film labels
A black color mark on a plastic film label should be recognized. At this, the color mark must be differentiated from transparent background as well as from the printed part.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 233
金属包装上荧光标签检测 在此应用中,SI用于检测图示金色及银色金属箔纸包装物的正反面是否贴有标签。由于该标签纸内含荧光材质,因此用UV型的颜色传感器即可检测。
Fluorescent label detection on metal foil packages
The presence of paper labels on the front- as well as on the backside of golden and silver colored metal foil boxes should be detected. At this, the basic material of the paper labels is fluorescent, thus a UV – color sensor should be used.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 231
透明带色彩塑料件中的纹影检测 如图所示,SI需要检测出该透明紫色瓶盖中的纹影。
Schlieren detection on transparent colored plastic closures
Schlieren on transparent colored plastic closures should be detected.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 230
透明塑料盖颜色检测 此应用中SI用于检测图示中透明塑料盖的颜色。在这个应用里,被检测物会有橙色,紫色及洋红色等颜色,传感器用于检测以保证被测物在合格的颜色范围内。
Color control of transparent plastic closures
The color of transparent plastic closures should be controlled. At this, different colored transparent closures (e.g. orange, violet, magenta) will be produced and the task is to hold the respective color in a certain range.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 224
塑料瓶壁厚检测 检测图示塑料瓶的不同壁厚。
Differentiation of plastic bottles with different wall thickness
Plastic bottles with different wall thickness should be differentiated.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 212
香烟包装盒上的荧光标记检测 香烟包装盒的粘贴面上印有荧光标记,SI传感器则用于检测此标记。
Detection of fluorescent labels on printed cigarette box paper
An adhesion surface area of printed cigarette box paper is marked with a fluorescent label. The task is to detect this fluorescent label.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 202
铝箔印刷标记检测 SI传感器在此应用中用于检测铝箔上的一个激光参考标记。铝箔的行进速度约为60m/分钟。
Detection of a printed reference mark on an aluminum foil
A lasered reference mark on an aluminum foil should be detected. At this, the maximum rate of feed of the aluminum foil is approximately 60m/min.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 201
塑料件颜色检测 在此应用中,SI颜色传感器并不是用于区分不同的颜色,而是用于区分同一种颜色的塑料的色差。
Color control of plastic closures
The color of plastic closures should be controlled. The main task is not to distinguish between different colors but to check, whether the same closure is in a certain color tolerance.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 200
瓶胚的颜色控制 该应用中,传感器用于检测不同颜色的瓶胚。
Color control of PET preforms
Different colored PET preforms which are used in the bottle industry should be differentiated.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 180
塑料薄膜上的齿孔线检测 该应用中,传感器用于检测塑料薄膜上的齿孔线。塑料薄膜运动速度约为几米/秒,齿孔直径约为0.3mm。
Detection of a perforation line in a plastic film
A perforation line should be detected in a plastic film. At this, the speed of the plastic film is a few m/s and the diameter of the holes in the plastic film is approximately 0.3mm.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 178
塑料薄膜上塑料标签的边缘检测 该应用中,传感器用于检测塑料薄膜上塑料标签的边缘。
Edge detection of a plastic label on a plastic film
The edge of a plastic label should be detected on a plastic film.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 176
塑料瓶的颜色分辨 在回收聚酯瓶的过程中,需要对不同颜色的瓶子进行分离。传感器需要足够精确以将淡蓝色瓶子和透明瓶子区分开。瓶子运动的速度为几米/秒。瓶中可能留有凝结的水并造成内壁上残留有水珠,且瓶子上还带有标签。传感器需要在此工况下进行分辨。
Color differentiation of plastic bottles
During the recycling process different colored PET-bottles should be separated. Even light blue colored plastic bottles must be differentiated from clear transparent PET-bottles. At this the speed of the bottles is a few m/s. There can be condense water accumulated in the bottles, which causes water drops inside the bottles. Furthermore the bottles come with a label.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 172
铝管上褶层的精确计数 该应用中,传感器要对快速运动中(几米/秒)的金属管上的褶层进行计数。
Precise counting of folds of aluminum tubes
The folds of aluminum tubes should be counted during a fast movement (a few m/s) of the tubes.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 158
透明塑料薄膜的边缘检测 该应用需要对透明塑料薄膜的边缘进行检测。
Edge position control of a transparent plastic film
The position of the edge of a transparent plastic film should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 148
喷雾剂瓶体上色标检测 该应用中SI颜色传感器用于检测位于喷雾剂瓶体上的颜色色标。在检测过程中,需要注意背景颜色和粘缝处所带来的影响。
Detection of color marks on spray cans
Color marks should be detected on different spray cans. Attention should be paid to the background color as well as to the glue line.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 147
卫生棉条包装检测 在此应用中,合格的包装里蓝绿色的线装物应该覆盖整个包装物的背面,而次品中蓝绿色线装物覆盖面很少或者根本没有覆盖到,这种次品必须被检测出来。
Position control of a thread on a tampon
The right position of a thread on the backside of a tampon should be controlled. Right position means in this case, that the cyan colored thread should cover nearly the whole backside of the tampon. The position of the thread must be checked through a transparent plastic film.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 140
金属片表面镀层检测 该应用SI颜色传感器用于检测金属片表面是否有黄铜色的镀层。
Presence control of a coating on metal sheet
The presence of a coating on a metal sheet should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 128
检测烟盒上的荧光油漆 烟盒上的荧光油漆需要被检测。值得注意的是,除了荧光油漆,烟盒上也会有其它的荧光色标,而SI传感器可将他们一一区分开来。
Color control of a fluorescent lacquer on a cigarette box
The color as well as the intensity of a fluorescent lacquer on a cigarette box should be controlled. It should be noted that there are also other fluorescent marks on the cigarette box, but these colors are different (blue) from the fluorescent lacquer (green).
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 122
胶囊方向的检测 在胶囊的机械引导系统中,胶囊的方向需要检测。胶囊是由2部分组成的,在此应用中,胶囊的大头比小头大大约0.3mm。胶囊会以0.4m/s的速度直行传送。此应用中几个被检测的胶囊外径和颜色都有区别,有透明的,黑色的,白色的,红色的,最小的胶囊外径3mm,最大的有8mm。
Capsule direction control
The direction of capsules in a mechanical guide should be controlled. The capsules consist of two parts at which one component has a diameter which is approximately 0.3mm bigger as the other. The capsules will be linearly moved with a speed of 0.4m/s and the diameter of the different types is between roughly 3mm and 8mm. The color of the capsules can change from white to black, all colors even transparent types are possible.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 121
透明塑料片上滚花的检测 在此应用中,SI用于检测透明塑料片上的滚花是否存在,在次品中,滚花会部分缺失。
Control of the presence of straight knurling on a transparent plastic closure
On a transparent plastic closure the straight knurling should be detected. On incorrect closures the straight knurling is partly not present.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 120
双层透明胶片检测控制 在此应用中,用一个反射式颜色传感器来检测透明的气泡箔是一层,两层还是三层。
Double transparency film control
The presence of a transparent blister foil should be controlled with a reflective sensor system. Furthermore it must be distinguished between one, two or three blisters.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 105
喷涂量控制 对喷嘴的喷涂量/喷涂浓度进行控制。
Spray jet amount control
The density of the spray jet should be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 103
泡罩包装数量控制 在泡罩包装物传送的过程中,有时会出现同时传送了2层包装的情况,这种情况必须被避免。
Control of the number of blister packages
During the handling process of blister packages it can happen, that more than one blister package will be transported simultaneously, this should be avoided.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 96
盒盖正反面区分 在药剂分配器装配的过程中,盒盖的正反面必须被区分。
Differentiation between front side and back side of closures
During the production of dispensers for moist wipes the closure site (front side and back side) must be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 95
香烟包装密封检测 在此应用,德国SI颜色传感器不仅可以检测香烟顶部有没有贴密封条,还可以检测香烟是否有被塑料膜密封。
Seal control on cigarette boxes
On cigarette boxes the seal must be controlled, whether it is present or not. At this the cigarette box as well as the seal is already packed into a transparent shiny plastic film.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 94
带排孔烟纸烤糊检测 烟纸在用激光烧制排孔的过程中,有时会因为烧制过度而导致烟纸被轻微烤糊。这种被轻微烤糊的烟纸属于次品,必须被区分出来。德国SI颜色传感器可以精确的区分烟纸是否有烤糊。
Inspection of perforated cigarette paper
During the laser perforation of cigarette paper it happens sometimes that around the holes the paper is partially burned. Observed from a certain distance, the cigarette paper looks like a white paper with more or less gray stripes. The perforated stripes should be inline controlled, whether there is a color as well as intensity shift into the gray range. Furthermore, a distinction between burned stripes, slightly burned stripes, proper stripes and no stripes should be possible.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 90
酒瓶橡木塞检测 在酒水包装过程中,用于检测酒瓶是否有装上橡木塞。同时酒瓶颜色的色差,高度差,橡木塞批次不同引发的色差也都可以被检测出来。
Presence control of cork on wine bottles
The presence control of a cork on a wine bottle must be realized in a production line. At this different bottles, different in color and slightly different in height must be controlled. Another problem is that the color of the cork can also differ from batch to batch.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 78
纸袋计数 在纸袋生产的过程中,在打包包装之前纸袋数量必须被统计。在检测过程中,纸袋的传送速度和被测物到传感器的距离是可变的,在此应用中,检测距离变化有80mm,纸袋传送速度将从0到50000只/小时。同时,袋与带之间的间隙也可能会有波动,但是要求传感器都准确检测并计数。
Paper bag counting
During the production of paper bags and just before packaging the number of bags must be counted. At this the production speed as well as the distance from the paper bag to the sensor can be changed, therefore a distance change of 80mm must be covered. Furthermore the sensor must be applicable for a speed range starting from 0 up to 50000 bags / hour. In addition the distance between the edges of the sequent bags can be fluctuating and there are due to the transport mechanism sometimes small holes in the paper surface.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 76
药瓶瓶盖上的荧光标记检测 在药瓶包装的过程中,要区分是原始的包装还是仿冒的包装,通过检测瓶盖上的荧光标记就可以实现。
Fluorescent mark control on closures of pharmaceutical flacons
To distinguish between original pharmaceutical flacons and counterfeits the closure of the original will be marked with a fluorescent color. This color mark must be detected during the packaging process.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 72
碳纤维增强塑料薄膜的粉末涂层检测 该应用中,德国SI传感器用于检测碳纤维增强塑料薄膜粉末涂层的厚度。
Detection of powder coating on carbon fiber reinforced plastic films
During the powder coating of carbon fiber reinforced plastic films the quality of the coating (thickness of the layer) has to be controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 64
镀层/未镀层管材的颜色识别 从内部检测管材是否被镀层,镀层材质偏黄,未镀层材质偏银,德国SI颜色传感器可准确识别该色差。
Color differentiation between a coated and an uncoated tube
The interior zone of a tube should be checked whether it is coated or uncoated. At this, the coated surface is slightly yellow in color whereas the uncoated surface is silver in color.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 29
金属管生产过程中的长度检测 在金属管生产过程中需检测裁断后的管子长度,其精度必须被控制在十分之一毫米内。
Measurement of length of metal collapsible tubes during the production process
During the production of metal tubes, the length of the tubes must be controlled, because of the previous cutting process of the tubes. The accuracy of the metal tubes should be in a range of a tenth of a millimeter.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 28
检测纸袋上的荧光胶水 生产纸袋过程中会在纸袋底部使用荧光胶水进行粘合。有时,由于多种原因,纸袋底部并未被涂上荧光胶水,而纸袋的生产过程却在继续进行。因此,是否有涂荧光胶水必须被检测,以防止出现次品。
Fluorescent glue control on paper bags
During the production of paper bags fluorescent glue will be used to close the bags at the bottom side. Sometimes, due to different reasons (defects on the printing die, cured glue and absence of glue) there is not any glue applied and the paper bags will be produced as cull.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 27
检测色标(定位标记) 食品行业使用的塑料薄膜在印刷过程中需检测每个印刷单元上的色标。
Detection of color marks (register marks)
During the printing process of plastic foils for the food industry the color mark must be properly detected on each printing units.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 20
顶盖颜色控制 检测不同颜色的塑料顶盖。
Closure head color control
Different plastic closure heads should be color controlled.
Daten- blatt:
APP N° 14
水晶滴塑标贴高度检测 检测水晶滴塑标贴的高度,测量精度控制在0.1mm。
Height control of labels with a transparent plastic covering
The distance of labels with an optical transparent plastic cover should be measured with an accuracy of 0.1mm.