Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Praktische Beispiele aus dem industriellen Einsatz

1) Sprache auswählen:

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 559

Presence control of fluorescent coating
The presence of a fluorescent coating on rubber seal should be controlled.
Textile Industry (Textilindustrie) 
N° 516

Fluorescent thread presence control in diapers during the production
The presence of fluorescent threads in diapers should be inline controlled.
Paper Industry / Printing Industry (Papierindustrie / Druckindustrie) 
N° 493

Fluorescence detection on metal foils
The presence of fluorescence coating on a metal foil should be controlled.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 474

Detection of fluorescent oil on flat washers
The presence of oil on different flat washers should be controlled. It has to be taken into account, that the oil is fluorescent, if UV light is used.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 473

Detection of fluorescent lubricant on metal pins
Fluorescent lubricant should be detected on metal pins.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 456

Glue detection on the thread of a screw
The presence and amount of fluorescent (fluorescent under the influence of UV light) glue on the thread of a screw should be detected.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 424

Oil drop presence control on a steel surface
The presence of an oil drop on a steel surface should be controlled.
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 421

Fluorescent glue strip detection on a plastic bag
A glue strip, which becomes fluorescent in the presence of UV light, should be detected on a plastic bag. At this, the glue strip is covered with a transparent plastic film.
Paper Industry / Printing Industry (Papierindustrie / Druckindustrie) 
Pharmacy (Pharmazie) 
N° 417

Fluorescent label detection
Fluorescent labels should be detected on semitransparent carriers.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 330

Detection of a transparent fluorescent label on transparent plastic film
A transparent plastic label should be detected on a transparent plastic film. It should be taken into account, that the label is fluorescent in using UV-light.
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 317

Fluorescent color stripe detection on tickets
A fluorescent color stripe on a ticket should be detected.
Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
N° 195

Color differentiation of fluorescent oil
Different oil types which are used for engines should be differentiated. At this, the natural effect of UV fluorescence of mineral oil is used. Furthermore fluorescent liquid will be added to some of the mineral oils, which allows a differentiation of the adequate types.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 152

Detection of fluorescent cured glue on a shaft
On a shaft fluorescent glue is used to seal the intersection between the shaft and a roll.
Pharmacy (Pharmazie) 
N° 116

Control of the presence of the spatula in a pharmaceutical box
The presence of a fluorescent spatula in a pharmaceutical box should be checked. During the tests the front side is open.
Environmental Technology (Umwelttechnik) 
N° 98

Oil containing waste water detection
On an oil press the amount of oil in the waste water must be controlled. Typical values are 500ppm of flux oil in the waste water and the goal is to reach the 100ppm. At this the fluorescent effect of the flux oil can be used.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
N° 88

Fluorescent glue control on an abrasive belt
During the production of abrasive belt material with a 10mm wide glue stripe the presence of the fluorescent glue must be observed. Defects greater than 2mm in length must be proper detected. The distance of the sensor head to the object should be approximately 20mm and the detecting range around 2mm x 10mm.
Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
N° 47

Color detection of fluorescent marks on wood plates
On wooden plates defects will be marked with a fluorescent marker. The fluorescent mark has normally a width of about 15mm and it can happen, that two of this marks lie 20 mm away of each other, but must be detected as two separate marks. Furthermore the fluorescent marks should be detected at a distance of 200 mm to the object and even a mark with a width of 5mm should be detected.


•   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025



TAGTEC - auf der Suche nach dem Verborgenen
(Markerbasiertes Sortieren mit TAGTEC Technologie)

Unterscheidung von Rezyklattypen mittels NIR während des Recyclingprozesses
(Kunststoffartunterscheidung bei Rezyklaten mittels NIR)

Carbon Black - nicht gleich schwarzsehen, sondern Schwarz detektieren
(Unterscheidung von Carbon Black Rezyklatmaterial mittels MIR)

Farbmessung von Rezyklaten im Recyclingprozess
(Farbunterscheidung von Rezyklaten)

mehr ...


  Sensorsysteme für die Plastikrecyclingindustrie
Farbmessung von Rezyklaten




  Rezyklate direkt beim Spritzgießen und der Extrusion prüfen
NIR-Verfahren zur Inline-Kontrolle von Recycling-kunststoffen
Kunststoffe 2/2024


mehr ...


Sensorsysteme zur Rezyklat-Kontrolle in der Kunststoffindustrie fürs Labor und Inline
Kontrolle der Kunststoffart von Rezyklaten und Neuware mit Hilfe der NIR-Technologie

mehr ...


Detektion von Dellen und Beulen auf Metall-Stanzbändern
(N° 801)
Unterscheidung von Leder-, Textil- und Kunststoff- Interieurkomponenten
(N° 802)
Farbmessung von Kunststoffdeckeln
(N° 803)


... Oberflächenspannung?
... Ölverdunstung?
... Ölschichtdickenmessung?


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