Surface inspection and gloss measurement
Tutorial L-LAS Spray Control Scope V2.1
With the spray jet profile sensors of the L-LAS-TB-…-AL-SC series, a laser light curtain is directed through the spray jet. On the opposite side of the spray jet, the jet profile (rather the transmission through the spray jet) is recorded using a line detector and evaluated using suitable software.
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The Windows software L-LAS-SPRAY-CONTROL-Scope is available for convenient parameterization and monitoring. With a special housing, the system can also be used in hazardous areas.
Tutorial SPECTRO1 Spray Control Scope V1.0
The single-channel version SPECTRO-1-FIO-JC of a spray jet monitoring system is ideally suited for use in the Ex area using transmitted light guides, but of course also outside the Ex area. A parallel white light beam (collimation of the white light is achieved by a suitable attachment optics) is directed onto the spray jet and the light arriving on the side opposite the spray jet is focused by a receiver attachment optics onto the front surface of the receiving light guide. The jet attenuation compared to the state when the spray jet is not present serves as a measure of the density of the spray jet.
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The evaluation is conveniently supported by the parameterization and monitoring software SPECTRO1-SPRAY-CONTROL-Scope.
Presentation of the SPECTRO-M series: Oil detection
The recognition of thin oil layers on metals, especially in sheet forming processes is assuming ever-greater importance in the e-mobility age. If it is necessary to determine whether the drawing oil layer applied is located within the tolerance range before the punching process, it is first necessary to check after the cleaning procedure whether residual oil has been removed from the metal surface to the whole. The increasing use of synthetic special oils means that previous methods used to perform oil controls can no longer be used, as these new oils do not have any fluorescent characteristics. In the mid-wavelength infrared light range (MIR) on the other hand, even ultra-thin layers are rendered “visible” again.
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This video gives a brief insight into the standardized MIR absorption method. It also deals with the evaporation process of oils and establishes a relation to the most common approach used to determine the surface tension value using test ink methods.
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Color-gloss and structure sensors of COAST Series
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Color, gloss and structure detection with the COAST hybrid-sensor.