Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Praktische Beispiele aus dem industriellen Einsatz

1) Sprache auswählen:

Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 620

Color control of stainless steel tubes
Blue painted stainless steel tubes should be differentiated from uncolored tubes.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 419

Differentiation Alcantara (Ultrasuede) and fabric interior equipment
Alcantara and fabric interior equipment should be differentiated.
Environmental Technology (Umwelttechnik) 
N° 413

Position monitoring of metal wires on a transparent plastic layer
The back side / front side position of metal wires on a transparent plastic film should be controlled.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 408

Differentiation of black and dark gray leather imitation
Dark gray and black leather imitation should be distinguished.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 334

Color differentiation of fabrics and leather imitations
Fabrics as well as leather imitations should be differentiated in the automotive interior field.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 298

Color differentiation of interior components
Six different interior components should be color differentiated. The sensor distance should be around 50mm and the detecting range of the color sensor at this distance should be approximately 20mm in diameter.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 292

Presence control of a plastic grid
The presence of a white plastic grid on a black background should be detected.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 269

Color differentiation of two plastic parts
Two different colored plastic components used in the interior field should be differentiated.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 262

Color differentiation between a brown and a black cap in a console
A brown plastic cap should be differentiated from a black plastic cap in a console.
Provisions Industry (Lebensmittelindustrie) 
N° 259

Color control of cookies
During the production of cookies the color should be controlled.
Medical Technology / Hygienic Technology (Medizintechnik / Hygienetechnik) 
N° 184

Double layer control of fleece material
It should be differentiated between one and two layers of a fleece material.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 175

Color differentiation of two different structured plastic moldings
Two different structured plastic components should be distinguished. At this, the background color is exactly the same.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 168

Color differentiation of garnish moldings
Different colored garnish moldings should be distinguished. It has to be taken into account, that the components are very shiny.
Medical Technology / Hygienic Technology (Medizintechnik / Hygienetechnik) 
N° 162

Presence control of a label on a nursing pad
The presence of a label on a nursing pad should be controlled.
Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
N° 149

Differentiation between water moistened and dry floor tiles
After the moisturization the floor tiles should be checked, whether the amount of moisture is in the right range or out of range (too much or too little moisture content). The tiles looks brighter if the degree of moisture is too small and the tiles looks darker as normal if too much water is on the tiles. In the normal case the tiles looks gray in color.
Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
N° 146

Detection of knots and bark in wooden stakes
Wooden stakes should be produced free of knots and bark.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 124

Detection of a metal sheet on a stack
Metal plates are removed from a stack with a robot. After the last metal sheet is removed a sensor should inform the robot to avoid that the base plate will be sucked up from the robot too. The base plate can consist of MDF (medium density fiberboard), wood, rubber or even a metal which is different from the metal sheet.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 99

Color gloss differentiation of door interior components
Different colored interior parts must be differentiated. The color differences between the respective components are relatively small but there is a good difference in the gloss factor due to the different structure of the part.
Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 62

Color control of tinted glass plates
During the assembling of cars the color of the glasses from the side door must be checked. It is only possible to control from one side and even an additional reflector cannot be used.
Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
N° 61

Color differentiation of tinted and colored glass plates
During the subsequent processing of glass plates the different tinted and colored glasses must be controlled and discerned.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 53

Color-gloss differentiation of leather and leather imitations in the automotive interior field
In the automotive interior field the different materials looks sometimes very similar. For a proper differentiation of the different products color-gloss detection should be used.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 38

Color gloss differentiation of leather and leather imitations in the automotive industry
In the automotive interior field components made of leather as well as of leather imitations are available. To avoid, that the wrong parts will be mounted a quality check with a color gloss sensor must be done.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 36

Color differentiation of leather imitations and textiles in the automotive interior field
Different leather imitations and textiles which are used especially for car doors, car seats and headliners must be controlled to avoid failures during the assembling.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 34

Color differentiation of leather and leather imitation (interior equipment)
Leather and leather imitations are used for the interior equipment in the automotive industry.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Textile Industry (Textilindustrie) 
N° 32

Differentiation of the coated surface from the uncoated surface of an airbag textile
During the manufacturing of airbags the coated side of an airbag textile must be detected. There is just a very small difference in color and gloss between the coated and uncoated side of the airbag textile.
Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
N° 5

Veneer control during the door production
1. Detection of slightly burned veneer zones and veneer tear-off during the door production:
The veneer will be glued onto the mdf plate during the movement, however, if the process will be interrupted due to any reason, it can happen, that the hot air gun, which will be used normally to warm up the glue, scorches or burns the veneer surface slightly. Furthermore the color sensor should detect a veneer tear-off.
2. Differentiation between white glossy veneer and white matt veneer:
The task is to distinguish between white glossy and white matt veneer.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Textile Industry (Textilindustrie) 
N° 1

Quality control during the airbag manufacturing in the automotive industry
1. Surface control of the airbag textile coated / uncoated:
One side of the airbag textile is coated, whereas the other side is uncoated. The task is to check, whether the top side is coated.
2. Check of the presence of the plastic foil interlining in the airbag textile:
The presence of a plastic foil interlining should be checked through a cut-out of the airbag textile.


•   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025



TAGTEC - auf der Suche nach dem Verborgenen
(Markerbasiertes Sortieren mit TAGTEC Technologie)

Unterscheidung von Rezyklattypen mittels NIR während des Recyclingprozesses
(Kunststoffartunterscheidung bei Rezyklaten mittels NIR)

Carbon Black - nicht gleich schwarzsehen, sondern Schwarz detektieren
(Unterscheidung von Carbon Black Rezyklatmaterial mittels MIR)

Farbmessung von Rezyklaten im Recyclingprozess
(Farbunterscheidung von Rezyklaten)

mehr ...


  Sensorsysteme für die Plastikrecyclingindustrie
Farbmessung von Rezyklaten




  Rezyklate direkt beim Spritzgießen und der Extrusion prüfen
NIR-Verfahren zur Inline-Kontrolle von Recycling-kunststoffen
Kunststoffe 2/2024


mehr ...


Sensorsysteme zur Rezyklat-Kontrolle in der Kunststoffindustrie fürs Labor und Inline
Kontrolle der Kunststoffart von Rezyklaten und Neuware mit Hilfe der NIR-Technologie

mehr ...


Detektion von Dellen und Beulen auf Metall-Stanzbändern
(N° 801)
Unterscheidung von Leder-, Textil- und Kunststoff- Interieurkomponenten
(N° 802)
Farbmessung von Kunststoffdeckeln
(N° 803)


... Oberflächenspannung?
... Ölverdunstung?
... Ölschichtdickenmessung?



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