Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Praktische Beispiele aus dem industriellen Einsatz

1) Sprache auswählen:

Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 632

Color differentiation of anodized aluminum tubes
Anodized aluminum tubes should be color differentiated.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 631

Color differentiation of anodized aluminum profiles
Anodized aluminum profiles should be color differentiated.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 618

Color differentiation of threads through shiny transparent plastic film
Components with different colored threads should be differentiated.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 608

Color differentiation of automotive loudspeaker housings
The color of automotive loudspeaker housings should be controlled.
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 574

Tape detection on plastic films
A tape, which is used to joint plastic films, should be detected.
Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
N° 567

Color differentiation of flat glasses
Flat glasses should be color differentiated.
Textile Industry (Textilindustrie) 
N° 494

Color control of T-shirts packed in transparent plastic film
The color of T-shirts packed in a transparent plastic film should be controlled.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 479

Color differentiation of bright seat belt plastic housings
Bright seat belt plastic housings should be color differentiated.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 478

Color differentiation of beige seat belt plastic housings
Beige colored seat belt plastic housings should be differentiated.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 477

Color differentiation of dark seat belt plastic housings
Dark seat belt housings should be differentiated.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 476

Color differentiation of plastic interior components for the automotive industry
Plastic components used for the automotive interior field should be color differentiated.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 475

Differentiation of single and double inside coated aluminum tubes
Single inside coated aluminum tubes should be differentiated from double inside coated aluminum tubes.
Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
N° 457

Position detection of a silicon layer on a transparent plastic film
The position of a silicon layer on a transparent plastic film should be detected (frontside / backside differentiation).
Medical Technology / Hygienic Technology (Medizintechnik / Hygienetechnik) 
N° 447

Color differentiation of plastic caps for syringes
Plastic caps used for syringes should be color controlled. It has to be taken into account, that the plastic caps are semitransparent and the surface is very glossy.
Lifestyle (Lifestyle) 
N° 442

Color control of nail polishes
The color of nail varnishes should be controlled. It has to be taken into account that the nail lacquers should be checked through transparent glass bottles.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Textile Industry (Textilindustrie) 
N° 429

Color differentiation of waxed threads
Waxed threads should be color differentiated. It has to be taken into account, that due to the wax coating the surface of the threads is very shiny.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 428

Differentiation of zinc plated steel parts and raw steel parts
Zinc plated steel turned parts should be differentiated from raw steel turned parts.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
N° 361

Plastic preforms color control
The color of plastic preforms should be controlled. Good parts should be differentiated from marginal parts.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 348

Color control of seat belt rubbers
Seat belt rubbers should be color differentiated.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 347

Color control of seat belt sockets
Seat belt sockets should be color controlled.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
N° 323

Color differentiation of black and gray colored natural fiber interior components
Black and gray colored natural fiber components should be quality controlled.
Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
N° 290

Color differentiation of bottom colored clear glass bottles
Bottom colored clear glass bottles should be differentiated. At this, four different colored bottles can be possible: clear, yellow, red and violet.
Cable Industry / Stamping Industry (Kabelindustrie / Stanztechnik) 
N° 285

Presence control of a fleece on a cable harness
The presence of a fleece on a cable bundle should be controlled. At this, the color of the harness can differ from batch to batch, whereas the color of the fleece remains white.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Provisions Industry (Lebensmittelindustrie) 
N° 279

Color control of plastic screw caps V
Different colored plastic screw caps (dark yellow, light yellow, light green and dark green) should be differentiated.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Provisions Industry (Lebensmittelindustrie) 
N° 278

Color control of plastic screw caps IV
Three different colored plastic screw caps (light blue, blue and dark blue) should be differentiated.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Provisions Industry (Lebensmittelindustrie) 
N° 277

Color control of plastic screw caps III
Three different colored plastic screw caps (black, light gold and dark gold) should be differentiated.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Provisions Industry (Lebensmittelindustrie) 
N° 276

Color control of plastic screw caps II
Three different colored plastic screw caps (white, light red and dark red) should be differentiated.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Provisions Industry (Lebensmittelindustrie) 
N° 275

Color control of plastic screw caps I
Three different colored plastic screw caps (light orange, dark orange and gray) should be differentiated.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Provisions Industry (Lebensmittelindustrie) 
N° 273

Detection of color drifts of plastic preforms
The drift of plastic preforms should be detected during the handling process. At this, the matrix with the preforms stops for a few hundred milliseconds, it is sufficient to check one of the preforms on each matrix. There will be preforms with different colors produced, thus the systems should be easy adapted to another color.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
N° 267

Color differentiation of plastic cans
Red glossy plastic cans should be differentiated from black glossy plastic cans. At this, the distance from the sensor to the cans is changing a few mm.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 263

Color differentiation of a black and brown center console
A black and dark brown plastic center console should be differentiated. It has to be into account, that the surface where the color should be controlled is very shiny.
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
Medical Technology / Hygienic Technology (Medizintechnik / Hygienetechnik) 
N° 252

Cutoff point detection of white nonmetallic strapping
The cutoff point of white nonmetallic strapping should be detected in a reflective way.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 235

Color differentiation of spray lacquered plastic parts
Two different colored plastic components should be distinguished.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 165

Quality inspection of shower hoses
The surface of shower hoses should be controlled. Failures like slight gray tint, gray tint (bloom), yellow tint surfaces (yellowness) but also a metallic overlap and a red ribbon should be detected.
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
Medical Technology / Hygienic Technology (Medizintechnik / Hygienetechnik) 
N° 147

Position control of a thread on a tampon
The right position of a thread on the backside of a tampon should be controlled. Right position means in this case, that the cyan colored thread should cover nearly the whole backside of the tampon. The position of the thread must be checked through a transparent plastic film.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 140

Presence control of a coating on metal sheet
The presence of a coating on a metal sheet should be controlled.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 133

Color control of different components of a gear box
After the assembling of a gear box, the different components must be controlled in relation to the color.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 96

Differentiation between front side and back side of closures
During the production of dispensers for moist wipes the closure site (front side and back side) must be controlled.
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 95

Seal control on cigarette boxes
On cigarette boxes the seal must be controlled, whether it is present or not. At this the cigarette box as well as the seal is already packed into a transparent shiny plastic film.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 80

Color differentiation of interior equipment
In the automotive industry different interior parts (wooden as well as plastic and metal elements) must be differentiated. Some wooden and plastic elements are very glossy whereas other components are diffuse.
Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
N° 66

Color monitoring in the furniture industry
During the manufacturing process of doors the color must be controlled and monitored. At this the color will be sprayed with spray nozzles, which are mounted on a robot, onto the doors. Just after this process but before the drying process the color should be controlled.
Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
N° 55

Color control of an emulsion
The color of the emulsion which should be controlled is normally white but it can happen that the color is drifting slightly into the red or the green range. This drift must be controlled.
Environmental Technology (Umwelttechnik) 
N° 50

Color control of the presence or absence of the flux
During the assembling process of photovoltaic cells on a stringer machine the conduction band must be controlled in respect of the presence or absence of the soldering flux.


•   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025



TAGTEC - auf der Suche nach dem Verborgenen
(Markerbasiertes Sortieren mit TAGTEC Technologie)

Unterscheidung von Rezyklattypen mittels NIR während des Recyclingprozesses
(Kunststoffartunterscheidung bei Rezyklaten mittels NIR)

Carbon Black - nicht gleich schwarzsehen, sondern Schwarz detektieren
(Unterscheidung von Carbon Black Rezyklatmaterial mittels MIR)

Farbmessung von Rezyklaten im Recyclingprozess
(Farbunterscheidung von Rezyklaten)

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  Sensorsysteme für die Plastikrecyclingindustrie
Farbmessung von Rezyklaten




  Rezyklate direkt beim Spritzgießen und der Extrusion prüfen
NIR-Verfahren zur Inline-Kontrolle von Recycling-kunststoffen
Kunststoffe 2/2024


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Sensorsysteme zur Rezyklat-Kontrolle in der Kunststoffindustrie fürs Labor und Inline
Kontrolle der Kunststoffart von Rezyklaten und Neuware mit Hilfe der NIR-Technologie

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Detektion von Dellen und Beulen auf Metall-Stanzbändern
(N° 801)
Unterscheidung von Leder-, Textil- und Kunststoff- Interieurkomponenten
(N° 802)
Farbmessung von Kunststoffdeckeln
(N° 803)


... Oberflächenspannung?
... Ölverdunstung?
... Ölschichtdickenmessung?


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