Gloss detection and mark detection sensors
GLOSS Series / RLS Series
(GLOSS Series)
(RLS Series)
Inline Gloss Meters (GLOSS Series)
In addition to the RLS-GD series another range of inline gloss meters is now available with the GLOSS series.
While the RLS-GD series is characterised by an extremely high insensitivity to extraneous light and focuses on a large detection range and thus on high optical integration (optical low-pass), the GLOSS series attaches importance to a small detection range (about half the size of the RLS-GD series). The GLOSS series thus has a higher local sensitivity (lower optical low-pass effect) and is considerably faster and more compact than the RLS-GD series.
Five different types are available with standard angles of 20°, 60° and 85°, as well as 45° and 75°, which predominantly are used in the paper industry. In addition to the analog outputs the GLOSS meters also have digital outputs that can be used for teaching.
Various standard measurement angles are available for the gloss sensors of GLOSS Series:
For high-gloss surfaces.
For high-gloss surfaces.
A 20° gloss sensor is used if gloss grades >70GU are to be determined. That is, if the gloss grade measured with a 60° gloss meter is >70GU, a 20° gloss sensor is used.
TAPPI standard (paper industry) for glossy surfaces.
TAPPI standard (paper industry) for glossy surfaces.
For semi-gloss surfaces.
A 60° gloss sensor is used if gloss grades >10GU to <70GU are to be determined. This variant is an "all-rounder". The 60° gloss sensor is therefore standard for most applications.
For semi-gloss surfaces.
A 60° gloss sensor is used if gloss grades >10GU to <70GU are to be determined. This variant is an "all-rounder". The 60° gloss sensor is therefore standard for most applications.
TAPPI standard (paper industry) for matt surfaces.
TAPPI standard (paper industry) for matt surfaces.
For matt surfaces.
For matt surfaces.
An 85° gloss sensor is used when gloss grades <10GU are to be determined. That is, if the gloss grade measured with a 60° gloss meter is <10GU, an 85° gloss sensor is used.
[GU = Gloss Unit]
Gloss detection sensors (RLS-GD Series)
Mark detection sensors (RLS-MD Series)
The sensors of RLS-GD series are used for online measurement of gloss degree. In the production of plastic sheets (design sheets, wall coverings, floor coverings, table coatings, foam sheets, and coated carrier materials for the furniture industry, automobile industry, fashion industry, or construction industry) and ceramic parts (ceramic tiles and plates for wall and floor) 100% quality inspection of the optically visible surface has become an ever more frequent requirement.
Mark detection sensors (RLS-MD Series)
The sensors of RLS-GD series are used for online measurement of gloss degree. In the production of plastic sheets (design sheets, wall coverings, floor coverings, table coatings, foam sheets, and coated carrier materials for the furniture industry, automobile industry, fashion industry, or construction industry) and ceramic parts (ceramic tiles and plates for wall and floor) 100% quality inspection of the optically visible surface has become an ever more frequent requirement.
For this purpose the RLS-GD sensors feature non-contacting detection of the gloss degree. The simultaneous measurement of the object from two different directions (direct reflection and diffuse reflection) allows intensity-independent evaluation. The sensor can be taught to a certain surface, and up to 31 tolerance windows can be applied around the taught value. Measurement output is performed digitally by way of five outputs.
Line markings at different backgrounds should be detected without changing the settings of the sensor.
A suitable sensor for the mark detection (for example line markings at different backgrounds should be detected without changing the settings of the sensor) is the RLS-MD-2-FIO which has two fiber optic connectors, two white light sources, and two receivers.